April 22, 2020
The Seersucker

Here is the elegance of the charming Southerner before the arrival of air conditioning, when fans slowly wafted the condensation off his bourbon on the rocks. With a pure white handkerchief, he wipes his brow after a productive day in Panama and blows smoke rings into thin air with his Cuban cigar. Seersucker is his assurance of possessing maximum composure in the face of a torrid climate. Seersucker is the comfort of being at ease everywhere in the summer when formal attire seems excessive and casualwear seems not enough. Seersucker is the fabric’s equivalent of freshness and unequivocal style. It became popular in the 18th century as a comfortable material in warm-weather colonies like British India. Doppiaa is now presenting it in a previously unseen palette of unusual colors that lend themselves to more creative combinations.